be yourself. Natural is in right now. How often have we heard the pleas not to
change your body or your personality to fit others’ expectations? Yet there are
still definite trends in our expectations of these things, and definite
pressures to conform to those trends. What are we missing?
I want to talk about body shape. Women certainly suffer from the pressure to
look a certain way (only a lunatic would deny that). But what’s particularly
crazy is the changing fashions in what we are pressured to look like. Not just
in terms of clothing, hairstyle, having or not having a tan, etc., but in terms
of much less transitory things. Relatively recently, we've undergone the shift
from skinny straight-up-and-down, to curvy hour-glass. This is insane. Your
weight might be under voluntary control to some extent, but your body shape –
short of surgery – is not. For this reason among many others it is just not the
sort of thing that should be subject to fashions.
haven’t got away scot free on this one either. There has been a shift in ideal
from lean muscular to more beefy bulked-up muscular, and that is just as
damaging and ridiculous as the corresponding shift for women.
not that there’s anything wrong with having ideals. It’s just that any person’s
body ideal should only ever be the healthiest version of themselves, not a
picture of someone else entirely unlike them.
is perhaps even more disturbing is that personality suffers from the same
fashion trends. In the modern Western world, it is said that a slight hint of
mania does you some favours (see e.g. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/business/19entre.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0),
and that many successful people score a little higher than average on the
scales used to test for psychopathy (see e.g. http://fortune.com/2012/10/26/do-psychopaths-make-good-ceos/).
There has also been a little flurry recently over how under-rated introverts
have become (http://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts), and
this seems in danger of descending into a competition over whether introversion
or extraversion is “better”.
with body type, the traits at issue here are often not really under an
individual’s control. One argument is that it is useful to know that extraverts
are more successful in a particular situation, so introverts could to better by
“faking” extraversion. That might be useful advice in the short term, but
really, why should anybody have to fake anything? We can all benefit from a
little pretence at times, for example feigning sympathy rather than admitting
we don’t really care about an acquaintance’s misfortunes. But pretending to be someone else is taking this to a
whole new, and worrying, level.
happens to you if you’re not a curvy extravert, or a mildly psychopathic beefcake? You
can either fake it (with the help of surgery or drugs if necessary), you can
bemoan your own inferiority and spiral into depression and self-loathing,
or…you could try a little self-acceptance. This is really hard, given the social pressure to take one of the first two
routes, but it is surely obviously better. And the main thing that makes
self-acceptance easier is if we all practice a bit of other-acceptance too.
People are different. Get over it.
have been led to expect people to behave in certain ways, and to deride them
for not doing so. We want everyone to be confident (by which people usually
mean loud), brim full of energy, and at least making an effort to look how
you’re supposed to look (control pants, chicken fillets, fake tan, etc.) But
why do we think these ways of being are better than others? They might be
better on average in certain types of situations, but they are definitely worse
in others.
really tragic thing here is our total inability to celebrate and respect
diversity. Our diversity is our great strength as a society. In evolutionary
terms, groups that are too uniform don’t last long. This is because organisms
that all have the same weakness are vulnerable to entire populations being
wiped out at a stroke. There are plenty of evolutionary facts that don’t
translate up to the social level, but I think this one does. Any group that has
variety of skills, interests, etc. is much more robust than one where everyone
is the same. And it’s so much less boring.
it comes to physical attractiveness, not only is it ok to be attracted to a
look that isn't currently the fashionable one, it’s ok (in fact I think the
healthiest thing) to not have a “type” at all.
is interesting about a new person when you meet them is what makes them unique.
That can be both physically and in terms of personality (depending on the
context of meeting). So take the time to find out who people are, and don’t do
this with a check-list of fashionable attributes that you think they ought to
are many ways of dealing with a problem. There are many ways of being
attractive. There are many ways of being good company. There are many ways of
showing you care. There are many ways of being in charge. There are many ways
of being a useful member of a team. Next time someone does one of these things
in a non-standard way, look at whether it actually works, not at whether you have always been told that this is the way to do that thing. Practice
other-acceptance. And next time you do one of those things in a non-standard
way, think similarly. Practice self-acceptance. By accepting and even
accentuating our diversity, we can stand together as a more robust, better
functioning, and happier society.
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